22 Professional Ways to Say “Long Time No See”

In professional settings, reconnecting with colleagues or clients can be done with a variety of phrases. Here are 22 alternatives to say “long time no see” in a professional context, each with an example and specific use case.

1. It’s Been Awhile

Example: “It’s been awhile since we last spoke.”

Use Case: When reestablishing contact after a significant period.

2. Great to See You Again

Example: “Great to see you again after all this time!”

Use Case: When meeting someone you haven’t seen in a while.

3. It’s Been Too Long

Example: “It’s been too long since our last meeting.”

Use Case: When acknowledging the gap since your last interaction.

4. Nice to Reconnect

Example: “Nice to reconnect with you after such a long time.”

Use Case: When resuming communication with a former colleague.

5. I’ve Missed Our Conversations

Example: “I’ve missed our conversations; it’s good to catch up.”

Use Case: When expressing a desire to resume discussions after a break.

“Long Time No See”

6. Good to See You Again

Example: “Good to see you again; how have you been?”

Use Case: When greeting someone you haven’t met in a while.

7. It’s Wonderful to Catch Up

Example: “It’s wonderful to catch up after all this time.”

Use Case: When you are glad to be in touch again.

8. It’s Great to Reconnect

Example: “It’s great to reconnect and hear about your recent projects.”

Use Case: When starting a conversation with someone you haven’t spoken to in a while.

9. I’m Glad We Crossed Paths Again

Example: “I’m glad we crossed paths again after so long.”

Use Case: When unexpectedly meeting someone you haven’t seen for a while.

10. I’ve Been Looking Forward to This

Example: “I’ve been looking forward to this meeting; it’s been a while.”

Use Case: When expressing eagerness to meet after a long time.

I’m Happy to See You Again

11. It’s Nice to See You After Such a Long Time

Example: “It’s nice to see you after such a long time; I hope all is well.”

Use Case: When checking in on someone you haven’t seen in a while.

12. It’s Good to Reconnect After So Long

Example: “It’s good to reconnect after so long; how have you been?”

Use Case: When opening a conversation with someone you haven’t talked to recently.

13. I’m Happy to See You Again

Example: “I’m happy to see you again; let’s catch up!”

Use Case: When you want to engage in conversation after a long absence.

14. I’ve Thought of You Often

Example: “I’ve thought of you often; it’s nice to finally reconnect.”

Use Case: When expressing a personal sentiment about the absence.

15. I’ve Been Meaning to Reach Out

Example: “I’ve been meaning to reach out; I’m glad we could meet today.”

Use Case: When explaining that you wanted to reconnect.

I’ve Thought of You Often

16. How Time Flies

Example: “How time flies! It’s been a while since we last met.”

Use Case: When acknowledging the passage of time since your last interaction.

17. It’s Been Too Long Since We Caught Up

Example: “It’s been too long since we caught up; let’s chat.”

Use Case: When suggesting a conversation after a long gap.

18. It’s Nice to See a Familiar Face

Example: “It’s nice to see a familiar face after such a long time.”

Use Case: When expressing comfort in seeing someone you know.

19. I’m Excited to Reconnect

Example: “I’m excited to reconnect after this time apart.”

Use Case: When conveying enthusiasm about renewing a professional relationship.

20. It’s Been Ages!

Example: “It’s been ages! How have you been doing?”

Use Case: When playfully acknowledging a long time since last meeting.

I’m Excited to Reconnect

21. I Hope We Can Catch Up Soon

Example: “I hope we can catch up soon; it’s been too long.”

Use Case: When expressing a desire to have a longer conversation.

22. Let’s Not Let So Much Time Pass Again

Example: “Let’s not let so much time pass again before we meet.”

Use Case: When suggesting more regular communication in the future.

These alternatives provide various professional ways to express the sentiment of “long time no see,” fostering a positive tone while reconnecting with colleagues and clients.

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